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Le vernis MSA (Mineral Spirit Acrylic) avec UVLS (brillant, satiné, mat) est un système de résine acrylique à base de d'essence minerale qui forme un film plus résistant et moins perméable que les vernis acryliques en phase aqueuse et peut être appliqué sur des surfaces peintes à l'acrylique, à l'huile et à l'alkyde.
A smooth and homogeneous texture, rich and vibrant colors, fresh and intense tones, a texture close to oil paint: Sennelier extra-fine acrylics are designed for artists who seek a wide variety of renderings with a single paint
SoftCut is manufactured by Essdee to be an excellent alternative to Lino. The gum is formulated to be extremely easy to carve, making it possible for many people to get started with linocut.
The Printight KM73GR plates developed by Toyobo are the best known plates in the photopolymer market. They are used for the CTP (computer-to-plate) technique and create a clear and faithful reproduction of an inkjet printed image.
The AQUA WASH range meets all the criteria of a top-of-the-range etching ink. It has a high pigment concentration, identical to that of conventional inks, allowing the reproduction of all printmaking techniques: direct engraving with burin, drypoint, cradle (black manner), indirect engraving with etching or aquatint, but also monotype and relief engraving techniques such as lino engraving and woodcutting. Aqua Wash ink is water soluble and therefore does not require the use of toxic solvents, but allows you to clean your tools and hands with soapy water.
The Museum watercolor pencil is not a watercolor pencil but watercolor in pencil form. Developed and produced in the Caran d'Ache workshops in Geneva in close collaboration with watercolorists.
Old fashioned painter's blouse 100% cotton waterproof to work in the workshop without staining.
China ink "à la Pagode" avaible in bottles, in deep black and indelebile. Of exeptional density and light stability, it is used by drawing artists and painters.
Okume plywood is widely used for wood engraving because of its low cost, fine grain, and ability to retain detail. 